You’ve Just Had a Combustible Dust Fire or Explosion. What Now?
You’ve just had a combustible dust fire or explosion. Whether it was small and contained, with no injuries and little damage to your facility, or it was a catastrophic loss it is important to your employees and your company to ensure that this kind of event doesn’t happen again. The fire department has just left, […]
Ask an Expert – Using Ultrahigh-Efficiency Cyclone Separators
In Jack Osborn’s latest article in Powder and Bulk Engineering, he discusses using ultrahigh-efficiency cyclone separators. Q: Our company has used bag- and cartridge-type dust collectors for years, but they’re no longer doing the job we need effectively. Is there an alternative you could recommend? A: Jack Osborn of Airdusco Engineering & Design Services, LLC […]
Three More Challenges in Baghouse Maintenance
Kevin Cardwell, CFEI, CFII, CFPS with Airdusco Engineering & Design Services sits down with Dr. Chris Cloney of DustEx Research Limited in this episode of the Dust Safety Science Podcast to discuss three challenges involved in baghouse maintenance. Challenge #1: Training Issues Kevin said that in this opinion, the biggest challenge in baghouse maintenance is training […]
Ask an Expert – Optimizing Your Hammermill Operation
In Jack Osborn’s latest article in Powder and Bulk Engineering, he discusses how to optimize your hammermill operation.Q: We’re having trouble optimizing and stabilizing our hammermill’s performance. Do you have any suggestions?A: Jack Osborn of Airdusco Engineering & Design Services, LLC says: Achieving optimal performance from your hammermill is related to different factors. Having experience […]
Is Your Facility Combustible Dust Compliant?
Combustible dust compliance is the best insurance against a deflagration event and its consequences. Jack Osborn, senior project engineer, Airdusco Engineering and Design Service, LLC In our world of information overload there is no lack of “buzz” words. To those of us who work in industries that are concerned with the hazards and risks of […]
How Unqualified Individuals Are Affecting DHAs
Jason Reason, MBA, CIH, CSP, CHMM, Airdusco Engineering & Design Services, sits down with Dr. Chris Cloney of DustEx Research Limited in today’s episode of the Dust Safety Science Podcast to discuss the ways that unqualified individuals are affecting the integrity of DHAs. Jason’s first appearance on the podcast was back in Episode #12, when he talked about qualified […]